Who is The Whisky Bear

I'm Devon, the lead consultant at Trails of Whiskey, a connoisseur who deeply values the art of crafting spirits, from grain to glass. Holding the title of Level II Whisk(e)y Sommelier from the Whisk(e)y Marketing School in Dripping Springs, Texas, and an Executive Bourbon Steward certified by the Stave and Thief Society, I bring a wealth of expertise to the world of whiskey.

My journey into the world of spirits began during my college years, where I started as a bar-back. The first sips of a Rusty Nail lit the furnace and burgeoned into a love for travel, tasting, and educating fellow whiskey enthusiasts.

After spending years tending the stick in Upstate New York, my appreciation for whiskies from around the world flourished. Since 2012, I've been hosting wild whiskey tastings from my personal collection; a hedonistic joy of serving friends, watching their faces light up with the thrill of something I handpicked for them. Upon relocating to Texas with my family, their encouragement led me to pursue formal education in whiskey. Having been called a Bear in many walks of life, I aimed to create a brand that mirrors my twisted personality and a penchant for Scotch. Enter The Whisky Bear - a creature born of chaos and a love for the peaty nectar of Islay.

Whiskey or Whisky

In the world of "The Water of Life," pronunciation remains the same, while spelling varies by the country of production. Irish and American whiskeys retain the 'E,' whereas Canada, Japan, and Scotland tend to drop it. It's just one slice of the misinformation pie in the whiskey universe. I, personally, opted to drop the 'E,' my heart forever entwined with Single Malts, especially those peaty beasts from Islay. No matter how you spell it, whiskey is a journey meant to be shared and explored. Will you be the brave soul to join me on this ride?

Where you can find The Whisky Bear

Based in Northern San Antonio, Events beyond a 2-hour drive demand a 4-week lead time for travel plans. During downtime, I roam the local whiskey trail, plunder The Whisk(e)y Vault, and crash festivals when the stars align. This Bear is welcoming and approachable, come up and introduce yourself.

How you can hire The Whisky Bear

That’s a dance we’ll figure out, my friend. I'm happy to arrange in-person or virtual meetings to discuss tastings. While general trail options are available, I'm eager to tailor an experience specifically for your needs.

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